About Us

Who We Are

Dex is a Jakarta based sustainable architecture and urban development company. Leveraging imagination and strategic thinking, we serve our clients their need to reach the highest value of each projects to shape a more sustainable future.

Our Mission

DEX’s mission has evolved into providing a smart response to critical and contemporary urban issues. We strive to advocate for and facilitate our clients’ ability to respond more realistically and strategically to our critical urban issues. Implement a smarter, more advanced, and more integrated method to solve the problems while capturing the highest values of each asset.

Lead by Team of Experts

Iwan Prijanto Ir, MM, GP

Iwan has gained cross-industry experiences and developed architectural, planning and strategic management competencies. He has focused on “strategic master planning,” professional services that synchronize strategic management thinking with spatial and creative thinking. His major aim is to introduce sustainable & resilient infrastructure and urban transit development. Today, Iwan serves as the President Director at PT DEX Transit and the Chairperson of Green Building Council Indonesia (GBC Indonesia). Previously in 2009-2015 Iwan was in charge as the principal planner and business development at PT. MRT Jakarta where he prepared a comprehensive framework of sustainable transit areas which seamlessly integrates with its urban railway system.

As also one of the core co-founders of GBC Indonesia, he is also certified as Greenship Professional (Green Building accredited professional), accomplished several certified workshop including transit architecture design from LTA (Land Transport Authority Singapore) and SIA (Singapore Institute of Architecture), and Senior Environmental Development Program from BCA (Building construction authority) Singapore, and Certified training in MRT and transit system development conducted by JICA in Tokyo & Osaka Japan, and Delhi Metro India.

Baju Witjaksana, M.Arch

Baju’s professional journey as an architect started in 1994 after he graduated from Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands. In 2001, Baju founded PT Imago Karya Persada, an architecture and interior firm with 2 other partners. Prior to founding PT Imago Karya Persada, he worked among others at Ronald Knappers Architecten Bureau as a junior architect in Leiden, The Netherlands, at PT Grahawita Santika as an in-house architect in Jakarta, and at PT Arthamulia, a furniture factory as a principal of design development.

Through the years, Baju has designed a number of residences, office buildings, hospitals, hotels, and laboratoriums. In some projects, Baju had the opportunities to design and build his own design into reality. These opportunities have sharpened his capability and sensibility in design and his managerial skills in building construction. In 2015, Baju joined PT Dex Solusi Transit which challenged his experiences contributing in designing and planning urban transit areas.

This long journey has brought him to experience architectural and interior design, and understanding overall urban design concepts, objectives and critical issues and applying knowledge to tasks and assignments.

Eddi Santosa Ir, MM, CSEP

With more than 10 years experienced leadership in various national, multinational corporations, and state owned enterprises, Eddi is the co-founder and now serves as the chairman at PT DEX Solusi Transit. His past experiences included a director position at PT MRT Jakarta and Finance Director at PT Pos Indonesia Eddi graduated from Civil Engineer ITB and had his master degree with honor from Magister Management Program, specializing in Finance, from PPM School of Management.

Eddi has strong exposures in governing institutions State Owned Enterprise (BUMN), Municipal Government Corporation (BUMD), and Municipal Government Entities. He managed State Owned Enterprise from the initial stage of organizing, budgeting, and governing. Large infrastructure project was also part of his experience in harmonizing regulation and financing. With his negotiation ability, he managed to conduct negotiations with Ministries, Government Institution, Local Parliament, Public Stakeholders and Donors for Mass Rapid Transit Project.